Thursday, April 21, 2011

How to Make a Girl Orgasm in 5 Simple Steps

Sex is a wonderful thing - I haven't met a person yet who would dispute this. Everybody loves sex, whether they like talking about it openly or not. One of the reasons you're reading this is because you enjoy sex and you would like to enjoy it more and have your partner enjoy it more. For all you males reading this, wouldn't you like to be known around town as the greatest medical question of all time? Or husbands and men in steady relationship - wouldn't you like your woman to be amazed at your new found sexual knowledge and have her beg you for more sex? Sex can be the greatest pleasure a person can ever experience - or a major disappointment.

Surveys have shown that 75% of women fake orgasm every time, 15% faked it most of the time and about 9.5% said they occasionally faked it. Which leaves about 0.5% who said they never faked it. I know most of you men out there will find this hard to believe, but it's true.

How to Make a Girl Orgasm in 5 Simple Steps
  1. The first thing guys need to understand is that women are internally wired a lot different from us. Men are capable of experiencing sexual pleasure from various erogenous areas throughout the body, but we both know the penis is the end all be all. Our female counterparts can be aroused in such a wide variety of ways that it is very possible for a woman to orgasm without direct vaginal stimulation. For those of you that didn't know this, you have to be excited! Imagine the erotic possibilities.
  2. With the exception of physical contact, visual stimulation and sound all but hold a monopoly on male arousal. Women can be aroused in these ways as well of course. The difference is the degree to which she can be sexually excited through these means and others. Male stimulation simply doesn't compare to the erotic fire you can create in a woman. Learning how to push her specific buttons will catapult her over the edge of pleasure making it easier for you to help your woman orgasm.
  3. You really want to make your girl orgasm? Be creative. Try creating different stimuli over the whole of her body. To many times, guys only think of vaginal penetration. Hate to break it to you fellas, there have been a boat load of studies documenting the difficulties of women achieving orgasms. 70 percent of all women have an issue reaching their respective points of no return. Of that group, "about 30 percent, have difficulty achieving orgasm during intercourse. This is often due to the mechanics of female orgasm." We would go even farther and argue that men are at least partially to blame for a woman's orgasm issues. Men's one dimensional approach to sexual intercourse can greatly reduce the the sexual potential of their partners.
  4. 90 percent of a woman's ability to orgasm regularly has to do with her state of mind. Her feelings and emotions are such an integral part of her existence. Why would you think it wouldn't be tied into her sexuality as well. She has to be in a comfortable situation to be able to tap into that limitless sexual potential of hers. Guess what, if you're with her, then it's your job to help her get comfortable with her body, and you, and everything else going on at the time. What do you think foreplay is for?
  5. You knew it was coming, and if you want her to do the same, you'll listen. Foreplay is probably the best way for you to find out things about her body while simultaneously helping her become comfortable. This is the time when you get do some major erotic discovery. Find out what drives her wild. Her body is your playground so have at it. Maybe she likes having her breasts and nipples kissed... Maybe its the nibbling on her neck that sends her to orbit. Maybe it's a combination of the two. Men tend to avoid foreplay when they should invite this opportunity to play around. The wise man knows that the foreplay actually never stops.
Read the secret techniques How to make a Girl reaching Explosive Orgasm click here

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